Page 10 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2021-22
P. 10
Enabling life-saving
healthcare services
Mission COVID Infra safety measures around Reliance plant locations as
well as provide high-quality masks and PPE kits to
frontline workers and others at risk. Under Mission
Reliance Foundation scaled up its interventions to COVID Suraksha, over 50,000 masks and 5,000 hand
support COVID-19 treatment infrastructure, providing sanitisers were distributed to the frontline workers,
more than 2,000 COVID-19 hospital beds in facilities community, and police officials in Shahdol and
across India. This included a dedicated COVID-19 Kakinada. In Jamnagar alone, it distributed 50,000 PPE
care facility at the National Sports Club of India, Worli, kits, N95 masks, triple layer masks and rubber gloves
Mumbai, managed by the Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation to the Guru Gobind Singh Hospital.
Hospital, and Gujarat’s first paediatric COVID-19
hospital at Jamnagar. Reliance Foundation also launched a free COVID-19
consultation helpline through Jio HealthHub, to give
Through RIL, Reliance Foundation also provided free people access to medical advice from the safety of their
fuel to government-notified vehicles and ambulances own homes.
to expedite emergency services. It provided over 27.79
across 332 districts in 21 states and 3 Union Territories. Mission Employee Care
lakh litres of free fuel, supporting 70,909 ambulances
Reliance Foundation also distributed over 1.4 crore Through Mission Employee Care, it has provided
masks to frontline workers, police, municipal staff support to Reliance employees and their family
and vulnerable communities (along with awareness members for testing, treatment and continued care, as
programmes on safety measures) in 26 states and well as offering 24 lakh free vaccinations for employees
Union Territories, again with support from RIL. and families, and counselling for those who lost loved
It has continued to spread awareness on COVID-19 ones to the pandemic.
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