Page 16 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2020-21
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10  Reliance Foundation                                                          Annual Report 2020-21     11

            Supporting frontline research                     Free fuel for emergency service
            and trials                                        vehicles
            In the first phase of the pandemic, Sir H N Reliance Foundation   To support frontline workers across India, Reliance   Response  COVID-19
            Hospital was the only institution in Mumbai which was part of   Foundation provided 27+ lakh litres of free fuel to 70,000+
            the multi-centre clinical PLACID trials run by the Indian Council of   government notified ambulances and vehicles engaged in
            Medical Research (ICMR). This randomised controlled trial tried   COVID-19 services across 332 districts in 21 states and three
            to assess the safety and efficacy of using plasma, taken from   Union Territories during this critical period.
            convalescing patients, to limit the damage caused by COVID-19
            in patients recovering from the illness.

            Mission COVID Suraksha
 Reliance Foundation's exclusive 10-bed dialysis centre at the   Reliance Foundation's MMUs in Shahdol, MP providing
 Hindu Hriday Samrat Balasaheb Thackeray Trauma Care   primary care and raising community awareness on COVID-19   Reliance Foundation launched Mission COVID Suraksha, a   Reliance Foundation provided
 Hospital, Mumbai  protocols  programme to support the prevention of COVID-19. Initiated   1.3+ crore masks to frontline warriors
            in November 2020, the campaign reinforced the importance   and communities
 Essential tertiary care  Ensuring primary healthcare  of wearing a mask even as communities resumed livelihood
            activities.                                       Across 22 states and two Union Territories to
 Many chronic illnesses require uninterrupted treatment.   Reliance Foundation’s nine MMUs operated in Shahdol   help them stay safe
 With medical facilities taken up with the treatment of   in Madhya Pradesh, Nagothane and Dahanu in   Through Mission COVID Suraksha, Reliance Foundation
 COVID-19, patients found it hard to access treatments like   Maharashtra, Jhajjar in Haryana and Ghazipur in Uttar   reached out to an array of people – from street vendors   A multi-lingual booklet, distributed
 dialysis.  Pradesh, providing primary care and easing the pressure   and transport workers to local food stall workers and daily   with the mask
 on the local health infrastructure.  wagers. The objective was to help them carry out their role
 To address this problem, Reliance Foundation set up an   of providing essential services to the community in a manner   Informed users about the proper ways of wearing a
 exclusive 10-bed dialysis centre at the Hindu Hriday Samrat   The MMUs also raised community awareness on   that ensured their personal safety. The campaign intensified   mask and ensuring mask hygiene
 Balasaheb Thackeray Trauma Care Hospital, Mumbai, in   COVID-19 protocols such as social distancing, mask-  from March 2021 as several states saw a renewed spurt of
 collaboration with the BMC for uninterrupted quality care   wearing and hand-washing.  COVID-19.
 for dialysis patients.                                       Providing PPE kits
 Reliance Foundation MMUs   These measures were undertaken across the country,   There was an urgent need to augment the country’s stock of
 reached primary care to people  including near the manufacturing locations such as around   personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers as
            Vadodara, villages around the Dahej Manufacturing Division,
 While creating awareness on COVID-19 protocols  Bharuch Nagar Palika and Surat Municipal Corporation.   India did not have domestic production capacity to meet this
            Infrastructure support was provided to develop and   need during the COVID-19 pandemic.
            upgrade healthcare medical facilities near plant locations   Amidst the increasing global shortage of kits, Reliance swung
            at the Vadodara centre, together with providing diagnostic   into action and imported supplies through a joint mission
            machines and ventilators. A quarantine centre at the   with the national carrier, Air India. Reliance also repurposed
 Paediatric and Adult Critical Care Units enhanced at RFH for COVID-19 treatment  Patalganga plant in Lodhivali, Raigad, was handed over to the   a manufacturing facility in Gujarat to make PPE, ramping up
            District Collector.                               production within weeks to 1,00,000 kits per day.
 Given the rise in COVID-19 cases among children and
 adolescents, RFH focused on augmenting its paediatric   Reliance Foundation evolved a participatory model,   Rapid testing is widely considered as the most accurate
 and specialised child-care facilities.  procuring masks stitched by Self-Help Groups and common   COVID-19 test and gives the government an up-to-date picture
            interest groups in Nagothane, Vadodara and Shahdol.   of the virus spread. This is taken into account while deciding on
 It is currently operating a 650-bed dedicated COVID care   These gave them the much-needed income during the   where and what public health efforts should be undertaken. In
 facility at National Sports Club of India (NSCI), Worli.   lockdown — and the masks were distributed across   the initial phase of the pandemic, India had to rapidly enhance
 Of the 650 beds, 100 are ICU beds equipped to provide   surrounding villages, Panchayats, RGSS, and government   its testing capacity. Reliance Life Sciences is operating two
 paediatric care, with 20 beds exclusively earmarked for   offices, including the District Collector, Municipal   COVID-19 RT-PCR and antibody testing labs at Navi Mumbai
 paediatric care.  Commissioner and the Vadodara Member of Parliament.  and Jamnagar.
 The ICU beds are equipped with adult and paediatric
 ventilators, monitoring devices, dialysis support and
 oxygen supply for management of critical patients.
              Keeping COVID warriors and their families safe
 A team of over 500 frontline workers comprising doctors,   Manisha Shambharkar from village Selu Kate, District   That was till she received masks from Reliance Foundation.
 nurses and non-medical professionals, have been   Wardha, has been an ASHA worker for close to a decade.   Under Mission COVID Suraksha, the Reliance Foundation
 Dedicated COVID-19 care facility at National Sports Club of India   deployed for the medical management of the patients. The   She provides crucial door-to-door services in her village,   distributed secure, protective face masks to all ASHA
 (NSCI), Worli, Mumbai  facility also features tele-ICU centres to enable round-the-
 clock integrated medical management and cross-specialty   generating awareness on COVID-19, wearing a thin scarf on   workers so they could do their job without being worried.
              her rounds instead of a proper mask.
                                                              This small but impactful step also helped keep families of
 To enhance preparedness against COVID-19 in Mumbai,          the ASHA workers safe.
 Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital (RFH) increased adult,   The expenses for the project – comprising beds, monitors,
 paediatric and ICU beds in the city to support the efforts   paediatric and adult ventilators and medical equipment –
 of the Government of Maharashtra and the Brihanmumbai   are borne by Reliance Foundation and patients admitted at   For my daily survey for various health schemes of the government, I go from house to
 Municipal Corporation (BMC).  NSCI are being treated absolutely free.  house in the village. So, I was always worried about myself and my family. But today,
                                my family and I are safe after receiving masks from Reliance Foundation.

                                Manisha Shambharkar
                                Selu Kate, District Wardha
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