Page 19 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2020-21
P. 19

14      Reliance Foundation                                                                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2020-21     15

                                                                          Mission Employee Suraksha
                                                                          guarantees the family of the
                                                                          deceased employee                                                                                                                                             Response  COVID-19

                                                                           Last drawn salary for
                                                                           the next five years

                                                                           Funding of children’s
                                                                           education in India till

               Ms. Dhvani from team Jio, working from home and providing critical   graduation
               support through the pandemic

            Mission Employee Care                                          Lifetime medical
                                                                           coverage for the family
            From the beginning of the pandemic, the RIL Group took extreme care to
            address the needs of employees within the organisation. From facilitating
            health check-ups and testing to providing vaccinations free of cost,   D10 lakh lumpsum payment
            it ensured that every Reliance employee was assured of the care and
            protection of the RIL's ‘Employee Care’ programme. Most of all, it ensured   to the family of the deceased
            that the family of an employee, lost to COVID-19, had full support and   off-roll employee
            protection of Reliance.
            Reliance Foundation is committed to taking care of all the families of these
            employees, and attending to their education and healthcare needs. Under                                                                                                         Rural Community member Sunita Dhurve
            the Mission Employee Suraksha, Reliance will pay the family the salary of                                                                                                       stitching masks
            the deceased employee for the next five years and  finance the children's                                                  Shahdol Community Mask Making
            education in India till graduation, along with ensuring lifetime continuity of
            medical coverage to the family.
            Reliance is also committed to paying a lumpsum amount of                                                               Helping rural communities cope with the pandemic
            D 10 lakh to the families of its off-roll employees who succumbed to
            COVID-19. With such measures, Reliance Foundation is ensuring the                                                      Rural communities were made aware of the safety measures against COVID-19 and equipped with
            security and well-being of the affected families of its employees.                                                     information and support to guard against the virus as people returned to villages from their workplaces
                                                                                                                                   in distant parts of the country. This was done by working closely with local government institutions such
                                                                                                                                   as Gram Panchayats (GPs) and community organisations like women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs).
                                                                           Free vaccination drive for                                                                                Equipping communities with
                                                                           Starting March 5, 2021, the facility was first                                                            knowledge and preparedness
                                                                           opened to those above 60 years of age                                                                     When people started moving back to their homes in villages
                                                                           and those in the 45-59 age group with                                                                     from their workplace, the challenge was to contain the
                                                                           comorbidities.                                                                                            spread of the virus in rural areas. Rural communities also
                                                                                                                                                                                     had to deal with market disruptions. Reliance Foundation
                                                                           From April 1, it was extended to those
              Free vaccines being administered to employees and their families at Reliance   above 45 years and from May 1, it was                                                   stepped in to provide specialised help and advice to GPs
              Corporate Park under Mission Vaccine Suraksha                                                                                                                          and other community groups on financial support and
                                                                           opened to all above 18 years of age.                                                                      availing of livelihood promotion schemes announced by the
                                                                           The vaccination arrangements were                                                                         government. Capacity-building support was also provided
            Mission Vaccine Suraksha                                       made with stringent COVID safety                                                                          to help returning migrants access livelihood opportunities in
                                                                           protocol in place.                                                                                        farming, horticulture, animal husbandry and fisheries. Interim
            Mass vaccination is India's urgent priority now. Through Sir H N Reliance   A seamless online process was made                                                           employment was provided to labourers, especially migrants.
            Foundation Hospital, Reliance Foundation has rolled out a massive   available through JioHealthHub that
            vaccination drive with over 171 vaccinations centres across the country,   leveraged the COWIN portal.                                                                   In addition, the community was mobilised to provide
            thus contributing significantly to India's drive for mass vaccination against                                                                                            emergency support and response. GPs and SHGs mentored
            COVID-19.                                                                                                                                                                by Reliance Foundation took the lead in creating awareness
                                                                                                                                                                                     on COVID-19 and ensuring precautions. SHGs also took the
                                                                                                                                                                                     initiative to stitch masks and distribute them to frontline

            10 lakh+ people                                                                                                                                                           7,600+ migrant labourers
                                                                                                                                                                                      Linked to wage employment
                                                                                                                                      COVID-19 crisis in Rajam, Andhra Pradesh
            Provided free COVID-19 vaccinations                                                                                       Youth volunteers and Gram Panchayat leaders responding to the   opportunities
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