Page 23 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2020-21
P. 23

RF gave many tribal women like Sumantra a reason to smile, by making drinking water available in Hoshangabad village, Madhya Pradesh                                                                                  Transformation  Rural

                  Rural                                                                                                               Key highlights of FY 2020-21

                  Transformation                                                                                                      17 lakh                                         131+ lakh

                                                                                                                                                                                      Cubic metres of water
                                                                                                                                      Rural livelihoods enhanced, (1.26 crore
                                                                                                                                      cumulatively); treated and supported
                                                                                                                                      1.9+ lakh livestock animals                     harvesting capacity
                  As India takes the lead in economic progress   while addressing and bridging the aspirations
                  across the world, there lies great opportunity to   with the help of resources, knowledge, timely
                  promote inclusive growth in rural India. A resilient   interventions and innovative solutions. Under
                  rural India can bring significant improvement in   this program, Reliance Foundation has, over the
                  lives through breakthrough technology, ambitious  last decade, collaborated with different social                   10,000+                                         10,000+
                  government initiatives and increased awareness.   impact organisations, private and government
                                                                 stakeholders to catalyse change across levels.                       Elected representatives and village             Reliance Nutrition Gardens set up to
                  Reliance Foundation’s Rural Transformation                                                                          volunteer capacities built to strengthen        ensure nutrition security during the
                  (RT) program provides 360-degree support       In FY 2020-21, RF also rallied to support rural                      local governance                                pandemic
                  to the pillars that can help transform rural   communities during the COVID-19 pandemic
                  communities – innovation for social impact,    to help rural households withstand pandemic-
                  livelihood enhancement, nutrition security,    induced shocks by tweaking service delivery to
                  water and ecological security, women           provide them livelihood opportunities and
                  empowerment, governance and market linkages.   other support.                                                       8,800+                                          1,700+
                  The RT program is aimed at helping rural
                  communities gain more agency over their lives,      Transforming lives in rural India                               Unemployed youth received skill                 Women-run SHGs mentored for
                                                                                                                                      training online; 79% of them found              leadership by RF during the year
                  UN SDGs IMPACTED                                                                                                    placement, many of them their first
                                                                                                                                      job, earning on an average nearly
                                                                                                                                      D 11,000 per month
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