Page 26 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2020-21
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20  Reliance Foundation                                                          Annual Report 2020-21     21

 Innovations for improved    Innovation for social impact

 rural lives and livelihoods   Empowering rural India with technology                                            Transformation  Rural

            Digital technology solutions catalyse change and help communities take
            informed decisions. They also provide linkage to government schemes
 Reliance Foundation supports some of the most marginalised communities across rural   and initiatives for access to entitlements.
 India with innovative and sustainable solutions. Since 2010, Reliance Foundation has   Reliance Foundation Information Services reach communities through
 fostered positive social change by strengthening community structures, providing water,   multiple modes including mobile phone services, social media platforms,
            television, radio and helplines. Reliance Foundation has 1,000+ partners
 nutrition and livelihood security to communities it serves. These initiatives contributed to   to source accurate and relevant information and democratise access and
 national priority missions through partnerships with agencies in the social development   information use.
 space. The agencies include Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), National Bank for Agriculture   Reliance Foundation has also helped farmers enhance crop yields and
            safeguard livestock. This year, digital advisories proved especially handy as
 and Rural Development (NABARD), Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETI), Rural   farmers received timely information on weather and pest attacks.
 Development and Self Employment Training Institute (RUDSETI), State Rural Livelihood
 Missions (SRLMs), Ministry of Fisheries, Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Department   10.6+ million  A Digital Farm School
 of Women and Child (DWCD), Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK), NGOs, line departments,   Individuals reached by Reliance   Was piloted in collaboration
                                         with Perunthalaivar Kamaraj
            Foundation Information Services
 universities and skilling centres.  by making information accessible   Krishi Vigyan Kendra (PKKVK),
            in 10 Indian languages across   Puducherry — the first KVK in
 Due to the pandemic, Reliance Foundation pivoted operations to ensure sustained   39,000 villages in 19 states and   the country – to provide expert   Vinayaga Moorthy, from Tamil Nadu,  showing how Pheromon
                                                                         Drop helped him in saving his standing crops
 support to communities so that livelihoods could continue safely and essentials could be   two Union territories  guidance while ensuring social
 accessed. It undertook a massive coordinated effort, leveraging existing skills and

 its prior experience of reaching millions of marginalised communities in India.

 Supporting India’s national priorities through Rural Transformation  Making fishing safer and sustainable  Reliance Foundation
                                                                      endeavours to make fishing
            Reliance Foundation endeavours to make fishing more sustainable and
            profitable while ensuring safety for the marine fisherfolk along India’s   more sustainable and
            expansive coastline with information support from the Indian National   profitable while ensuring safety
            Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) and Central Marine   for the marine fisherfolk.
            Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI).

              Machli app empowers fishers to take informed decisions, gain better profits

                                                              After learning about Reliance Foundation’s Disaster
                                                              Management Programme and the ingenious Machli app,
                                                              which he began using, Milind has been able to increase his
 A women farmer listening to RFIS expert advisories for her pigeon pea crop in Maharashtra  income sustainably. The app has been especially made
                                                              for fishermen like him, and has been jointly developed
                                                              by Reliance AI Centre for Excellence and Indian National
                                                              Centre For Ocean Information Services (INCOIS). Through
 Pillars of Reliance Foundation's Rural Transformation Programme   the app, Milind can easily access information about the
                                                              weather and advisories for fishermen on his mobile.
                                                              He now receives daily weather updates that help him plan
 Innovation for   Livelihood   Market   Nutrition             his ventures better. Apart from being a credible
 Social Impact  Enhancement  Linkages  Security               source of weather forecast, the app has broken
                Milind Moreshwar Marde in Dahanu taluka of Palghar district in   the ‘English exclusive’ language barrier,
                Maharashtra uses the Machli app               delivering information in vernacular
                                                              language, thus widening access to
 Water and   Women                                            information. Today, the information
 Ecological   Empowerment  Governance  The village of Dhakti Dahani, Palghar, Maharashtra is a fishing   relevant to Milind’s work is enabling
 Security     hub. For most fishers here, fishing is the primary source of   him to take informed decisions about
              livelihood. But like many others, for Milind Marde, frequent   his livelihood, lessen risks to his life
              weather changes and cyclones have been a constant worry.   and improve his earnings.
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