Page 28 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2020-21
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22  Reliance Foundation                                                          Annual Report 2020-21    23

 Livelihood enhancement  Mobilising through skill training

 Reliance Foundation works to de-risk rural communities from economic vulnerability by promoting   Reliance Foundation strives to empower young people with new skills and opportunities to improve their employability
            quotient. The goal is to de-risk livelihoods and develop India’s human capital for a globally competitive workforce with
 sustainable agriculture and allied activities, enabling market linkages, stabilising income from fishing,   access to information.  Transformation  Rural
 encouraging entrepreneurship and diversifying livelihoods. Reliance Foundation also focuses on
 upskilling the youth to increase their employability.

 Market Linkages

 This work is the culmination of economic and social
 transformation made possible by Reliance Foundation
 over the past decade in geographies characterised by low
 productivity because of water scarcity and land degradation.
 Reliance Foundation has mentored 30 Farmer Producer
 Organisations (FPOs) and initiatives to support 43,000+
 marginalised farmers with improved market access.
 In FY 2020-21, the farmers supported through these FPOs        Mithilesh Yadav from Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh,
 recorded more than D 94 crore in transactions and undertook   Pashu Sakhis from Deoghar district in Jharkhand  in his motorbike repairing shop
 pilot projects on mechanised paddy transplanting and drone
 usage. The FPOs were linked to national markets through   Reliance Foundation provides a platform for connecting   Reliance Foundation focuses on upskilling underprepared
 digital commodity trading platforms and digitised FPO ‘Point   youths with organisations, offering skilling programmes and   youth and those who have dropped out of school, connecting
 of Sales’ transactions. The FPOs moved to higher value   employment opportunities. All-round skill training, career   them to employment opportunities in the retail sector. In
 commodities, helping member farmers get better prices for   guidance and entrepreneurship training for micro-enterprises   FY 2020-21, the programme made a transition from physical
 agri-produce, save input and cultivation costs. Now, these   are conducted with the National Skill Development Mission.   to virtual mode. Reliance Foundation worked with 39 skilling
 Producer Organisations (POs) support other FPOs with a   Coaching and resources to develop skills – including computer   partners, who mobilised candidates and upskilled them,
 district knowledge sharing consortium.  literacy and soft skills – were provided through partnerships   making them employable for the retail sector. The programme
 During the lockdown, these FPOs helped farmers sell   that enhance employability. In FY 2020-21, skill training was   has its footprint in 20 states and 150+ cities.
 commodities, negotiate the cost of agricultural inputs, and   extended to Pashu Sakhis, rural women entrepreneurs
 linked farmers with government-run procurement centres and   providing Paraveterinary services, to generate health and   8,800+
 makeshift markets apart from supplying food to villagers in the   livestock health management awareness in post-flood Bihar.
 absence of local markets.                                    Unemployed received skill training online, during 2020-21;
                                                              79% of them were placed, for many of them it was their first
 During the year, Reliance Foundation also provided links with   job with an average earning of D 11,000 per month
 government schemes, e-pass for transporters and supported
 initiatives such as organising machinery for 5,952 farmers. These
 farmers were supported digitally to address their knowledge
 gap and were also linked to remunerative markets.  As many as
 29 FPOs and migrant workers were also linked under the Krishak   Tapping opportunities and reaping benefits
 Sasaktikaran Pariyojana, which is estimated to generate 3 lakh
 MGNREGS workdays, providing a total wage of D 6.1 crore in one   Members of Maa Sharda Mahila Kisan Producer Company supporting the
 year. Reliance Foundation also facilitated digital platform linkages   tribal farmers; helping them get fair market price for their produce
 for other FPOs and those who reached out for assistance on
 supply chain challenges.
 48 FPOs

 Bringing the market to the   Completed E-NAM registration procedure with the
 doorstep  support of Mandi Parishad in Uttar Pradesh
 Reliance Foundation mentored Maa Sharda Mahila   E94 crore
 Kisan Producer Company Limited, a women-led
 FPO, which works for the cause of improving farmers’   Transactions undertaken by Reliance Foundation
 incomes in the catchment area of 17 remote villages in   mentored FPOs in FY 2020-21  Anita Devi from Barmasiya village, Deoghar in her Marigold field
 Panna District of Madhya Pradesh.
 During the lockdown, this FPO procured 2,000 kg of   E26.2 crore   Deoghar, Jharkhand is known for its flourishing flower   Soon after the training, Anita started growing her own
 Chironji (Calumpang Nuts) from farmers of eight tribal   business. As the festive season begins, there is an increased   marigold flowers and now makes significant profits.
 villages. As per their wish/need, these farmers were   Worth produce sold through Reliance Foundation’s   demand for fresh flowers, a business opportunity that Anita   This has enabled her to support her family through the
 provided with rice equivalent to the value of the fruit.   digital outreach programme  Devi from Barmasiya village, Deoghar, has long sensed.  uncertain times of the pandemic. Being the first in her
 This initiative helped these tribal families meet their      community to undertake such a venture, Anita has created
 daily consumption needs as well as get a fair market   Reliance Foundation through such initiatives under rural   In collaboration with the local Krishi Vidyan Kendra,   a ripple effect with several other SHG members now
 price for their produce when accessibility to markets   transformation is striving to bring about change beyond   Reliance Foundation trained Anita and other SHG members   following her lead. Her resilience and willingness to learn
 and essential food items was limited.  farms, across communities, strengthening governance,   in the cultivation of marigold flowers, accessing quality   has made her an exemplary figure in her village.
 upgrading nutrition along with opening up opportunities and   seeds, and imparting knowledge on transplanting, crop
 empowering rural India to transform and prosper.  management and so on.
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