Page 32 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2020-21
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26  Reliance Foundation                                                          Annual Report 2020-21    27

 Water and ecological security  Strengthening ecological security             Helping drive the
                                                                              cleanliness mission
 Ensuring water security  Reliance Foundation encourages local communities to collectively conserve   Reliance Foundation contributes to   Transformation  Rural
            natural resources. Since inception, 2.3+ crore saplings have been planted by
 Reliance Foundation works with communities to recharge   Reliance Foundation across various sites in India to increase the green cover.   the Government of India’s Swachhata
                                                                              Hi Seva drive, besides providing
 groundwater reservoirs and ensure sustainable water   Reliance Foundation also encourages the use of clean energy such as biogas   continued support to the Swachh
 solutions. A range of water harvesting structures are   and solar power along with holding workshops or providing mentoring on   Bharat Abhiyan.
 encouraged – bori bandhan, farm ponds, earthen dams, check   sustainable agricultural practices, pest management, soil nutrition management
 dams, ferro-cement tanks and dams – as per the topography,   to help secure incomes while minimising costs and the environmental impact.   In FY 2020-21, Reliance Foundation
 soil quality and availability of materials. In FY 2020-21, the   Creating conscious communities & conserving natural resources   campaigned across 11 states of India
 COVID-19 lockdown adversely impacted pre-monsoon water                       on cleanliness, organising mass
 harvesting. But Reliance Foundation continued to motivate                    awareness drives and encouraging
 communities to continue their work, linking them to MGNREGS                  communities to participate in mass
 for employment while encouraging them to create water                        cleaning activities. The awareness drives
 harvesting structures.                                                       focused on stopping open defecation.
 Water budgeting activities also continued, with Reliance   A small move becomes a movement  Gram Panchayat representatives, SHG
 Foundation providing  remote mentorship during the year.                     members, health functionaries, youth
 It also provided training, handholding and troubleshooting                   volunteers and the local administration
 support. With the rural economy opening up in Q2, the focus                  actively engaged in shramdaan for Gram
 shifted to refurbishing dilapidated water harvesting structures.             Safai. Various activities, such as cleaning
                                                                              village panchayat buildings, Anganwadi
 131+ lakh cubic metres                                                       premises, schools, roads, areas
                                                                              surrounding drinking water sources and
 Of water harvesting capacity created in                                      other public places were taken up.
 FY 2020-21 (1,100+ lakh cubic metres total   A ferro cement dam at Juda Madaiyan village in Pawai, Panna
 since inception)

 Making clean water a reality for the people of Gangakhed                     317
                                                                              Swachhata Shramdaan volunteering
 After the installation of a water tank in my village,
 women of our village no longer have to go far
 to fetch drinking water. The Gram Panchayat fills
 the tank on time. This has saved us a lot of time
 and reduced a lot of our workload.”

 Kanta Bai       Women collective at work in Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand          6,500
 Parbhani district, Maharashtra                                               Participants contributed 16,000+ hours

               Fast-depleting groundwater not only creates shortage of water supply
 With the support of Reliance Foundation, 72 Gram   but can also expose the population to poor quality of water. Twenty-four
 Panchayats of the Palam and Gangakhed blocks worked   villages in Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand, came together under the leadership
 Kanta Bai from Parbhani district, Maharashtra  day and night to construct 74 water tanks, with a total water   of SHGs and the local leadership for shramdaan, or voluntary labour
 storage capacity of 3.96 lakh litres of water.  contribution, at the Sharmali watershed to overcome the challenge of
               water scarcity. The community put together a simple cost-effective water
 In addition, 4,000 metres of running pipelines, were   conservation model suitable for hilly regions, supported by the local   11,000+
 For 55-year-old Kanta Bai from Parbhani district,   constructed to make sure that every household got access   authorities, organisations and Reliance Foundation. To ensure maximum   People across 245 Gram Panchayats
 Maharashtra, collecting water meant travelling long   to water.  water conservation, the villagers built eight small structures known as   participated in cleanliness activities
 distances and waiting in long queues.
 This transformational change was possible because of   jalkunds, which surround the drainage line, to prevent water and soil
 For the women and girls in this hamlet in the Deccan   the synergy between Reliance Foundation and the people   loss on the slopes and increase percolation. The jalkunds have since
 Plateau, the daily trudge also meant missing out on   of Palam and Gangakhed, who wanted to change their   been nourishing the soil, preserving the water level and providing nearby
 education and other livelihood opportunities   circumstances.  villages access to clean water. These small changes in the infrastructure
 To improve water accessibility in the region, the local   have enhanced the efficiency of the water conservation effort, ensuring
 Gram Panchayats reached out to Reliance Foundation,   Today, access to safe drinking water has enriched the   year-round supplies to households in the area.
 which helped strengthen the existing water infrastructure   lives of these people and opened their doors to many
 and built new capacities to store water.  possibilities.  The exemplary display of leadership, ownership, and dedication that   500+
               the community has shown through their shramdaan has inspired many   SHGs participated in sensitisation
               other communities to take collective action for the well-being of the   events for behaviour change on
               entire community. Led by women leaders and local organisations, water   toilet use
               conservation is turning into a movement for larger change.
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