Page 34 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2020-21
P. 34

28  Reliance Foundation                                                          Annual Report 2020-21    29

 Women Empowerment  Governance

 Reliance Foundation works to address gender inequality, especially in rural areas, conscious   Reliance Foundation builds grassroots leadership by enhancing the capabilities of Gram Panchayats
 of the catalytic role of women in community development.  (GPs) for the effective implementation of local plans. During the year, Gram Sabhas and Panchayats   Transformation  Rural
            mentored by Reliance Foundation took the lead in responding to challenges posed by the pandemic
 Geeta Baraskar of Mandikoh village, Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh talks of her
 RNG and how it inspired others to develop their own RNGs  and addressing new emerging needs. Community members, with support from Reliance Foundation,
            helped set up community kitchens and arranged for food kit distribution.

 In FY 2020-21, Reliance Foundation focused on livelihood   Mentoring and trainings were conducted virtually or through   Reliance Foundation has been guiding different Gram Panchayats (GP)   During FY 2020-21, Reliance
 trainings in collaboration with NRLM & various agencies for   small groups with utmost care for safety. During the pandemic,   and other community groups about various government schemes such   Foundation built capacities of
 the economic empowerment of 1,700+ Self-help Groups, with   SHGs took the lead in supporting communities by stitching   as the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), Swachh   10,000+ elected representatives
 end-to-end mentorship, and providing bank and government   masks for frontline workers and providing ration for affected   Bharat Mission (SBM) and government's social security schemes,
 department linkages. The SHGs took up diverse enterprises   communities apart from conducting other activities.  COVID-19 related government schemes, etc. and has been creating   and village volunteers
 – from mushroom cultivation to nursery development, from   awareness on the 15th Finance Commission guidelines and supporting   In an attempt to strengthen local governance
 livestock rearing to pisciculture.  1,700+  Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDP).  and push for economic development and social

 Women-run SHGs mentored by RF during the year  Through these measures, it is facilitating GPs’ elected representatives   justice, Reliance Foundation trains elected
            and functionaries to leverage scheme benefits in collaboration with the   representatives of different Gram Panchayats
            government machinery, district officials and various departments, and   and other volunteers. These GPs then collaborate
            ensuring that they reach the target communities.          with departments and institutions like, Forest,
                                                                      Horticulture, Agriculture, KVK, Banks, other
 Promoting budding                                                    development agencies, etc. and invest their time
 entrepreneurs                                                        in leading various community initiatives in their
                                                                      respective villages
 Sumitraben Vasava, a community
 champion, had always dreamt of leading
 her people to a better future. To turn
 her vision into reality, she and the other
 members of her SHG group, Shivshakthi
 Mahila Juth, decided to begin a collective
 agro-business in Netrang, Gujarat and
 reached out to Reliance Foundation for
 Role of Reliance Foundation
 Under a robust skill-building programme,
 facilitated by Reliance Foundation, the
 women fast built up their business skills
 and gained from multi-stakeholder
 RF also linked them to livelihood finance
 opportunities and different markets to
 understand the scope of their business
 model. Using the support, the group
 today processes, packages and markets
 a bevy of products like drumstick, amla,
 giloy, and fenugreek, all using solar dryers.
 This was by no means an easy task for the
 women of Mahila Juth. They invested their
 savings and also took loans from external

 Armed with the sound knowledge of
 running a profitable agro- business,
 the hardworking women have become
 shining examples for their community.
 The group is beginning to formalize their
 processes and take flight, armed with the
 sound knowledge of running a profitable
 agro-business, these hardworking women
 are slowly becoming shining examples
 for their community. Reliance Foundation
 salutes the determination of these
 budding entrepreneurs of Gujarat and
 Sumitraben Vasava with members of Shivshakthi Mahila Juth SHG in Netrang, Gujarat  is humbled to have played a role in their   P Swapna, the Sarpanch of Thimmajiwadi  GP, Kamareddy, Telangana
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