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46      Reliance Foundation                                                                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2020-21    47

                                                                                                                                   Outreach activities during FY 2020-21

                                                                                                                                   In order to promote an ecosystem of collaborative knowledge-  Dr. Jean-Lou Chameau
                                                                                                                                   sharing and research, Jio Institute has been actively conducting   President Emeritus, Caltech; Former President, KAUST; Former
                                                                                                                                   masterclasses, live events, symposiums and workshops,   Provost, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA  Education
                                                                                                                                   bringing thought leaders to further the development of the   Dr. Jeffrey Sachs
                                                                                                                                   higher education ecosystem in India. Throughout FY 2020-21,   Professor and Director, Center for Sustainable Development,
                                                                                                                                   a number of events were conducted with active participation   Columbia University, USA
                                                                                                                                   from national and international academic and research
                                                                                                                                   institutions, industry, government and think tanks.  Dr. Michael Keller
                                                                                                                                                                                     Vice Provost, Academic Council, Stanford University Libraries,
                                                                                                                                   These included masterclasses and symposia delivered in   Stanford University, USA
                                                                                                                                   the field of AI, Data Science, Digital Marketing, Data-driven
                                                                                                                                   Marketing, Branding, Consumer Behaviour, Higher Education,   Dr. Rick Levin
                                                                                                                                   and Governance and others by eminent speakers from Ivy   President Emeritus, Yale University, USA
                                                                                                                                   League colleges and top world universities. The outreach   Dr. Subra Suresh
                                                                                                                                   programmes were well received and provided an intention to   President, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore
                                                                                                                                   develop Jio Institute as a world-class university in India.
                                                                                                                                   Key speakers at Jio Institute events              Scholars from Ivy League colleges
                                                                                                                                   Dr. Frank Mulhern                                 and top universities across the world
                                                                                                                                   Associate Dean of Research and Executive Director of   participated in multiple events at Jio
                                                                                                                                   Academic Programs in San Francisco, Medill School of
                                                                                                                                   Journalism, Northwestern University, USA          Institute in FY 2020-21

                                                                                                                                   Pandit Deendayal Energy University

                                                                                                                                   Continued endowment of the PDEU University in FY 2020-21.  It aims to broaden opportunities for students and professionals
                                                                                                                                                                                     by complementing core subject knowledge and helping
                                                                                                                                   Established as a private University in 2007, Pandit Deendayal
               Jio Institute, a multi-disciplinary, research focused, higher education institution                                                                                   students make a mark on the global stage. Reliance Foundation
                                                                                                                                   Energy University (formerly Pandit Deendayal Petroleum   contributes every year towards endowment of the PDEU
                                                                                                                                   University) in Gandhinagar, the university offers programmes in   University.
                                                                                                                                   science, technology, management and humanities.
            Jio Institute: inspiring the next generation of leaders

            Jio Institute was set up over FY 2020-21, and will be ready to commence academic sessions soon.                        Launched New Reliance Foundation Scholarships in
            Throughout the year, the Institute held events bringing together national and international scholars and               Artificial Intelligence and Computer Sciences
            thought leaders.
                                                                                                                                   Launched in 2020-21, the Reliance Foundation Scholarships in   other new technologies for the benefit of all Indians. The
            A multi-disciplinary, research-focused higher education   In addition to the Institute’s AI programme, the ‘Centre of AI   Artificial Intelligence and Computer Sciences, aims to support   scholarships intend to provide an enabling environment for the
            institution, the Jio Institute was set up as a ‘Greenfield   for All’ will promote advanced research in  AI technologies and   India’s brightest youth, who are uniquely positioned to sit at the   selected scholars to reach their full potential and are awarded
            Institution of Eminence’ under UGC (Institute of Eminence   their application in national priority areas such as agriculture,   forefront of India’s technologically driven growth, to become   following a rigorous selection process.
            Deemed to be University) Regulations, 2017 as issued by the   education, environment and healthcare while encouraging   the future leaders of tomorrow. The scholarship provides
            Ministry of Education (MoE), Government of India.  inter-disciplinary themes.
                                                                                                                                   financial and mentoring support to exceptional undergraduate   Up to 40 undergraduate and
            Jio Institute aspires to prepare the next generation of leaders   Jio Institute’s state-of-the art campus              and postgraduate scholars. Through this scholarship, Reliance   40 postgraduate students
            by setting a new benchmark as an exemplary, internationally                                                            Foundation will identify, nurture and empower India’s brightest
            reputed academic institution that promotes research,   at Ulwe, Navi Mumbai, is spread across                          youth, who have the passion and ability to develop AI and   To benefit from the scholarship
            innovation and entrepreneurship. The Institute’s Governing   52 acres with 360,000 sq ft of built
            Council includes eminent persons from the academia,   up area constituting its schools of
            industry, policy think tanks, social sector and multifarious   study. The campus structure is simple,                  Dhirubhai Ambani Scholarship
            other fields. It is advised by a Global Advisory Council (GAC)
            of globally renowned scholars and thought leaders who   modular, flexible, green, accessible                           In accordance with Late Shri Dhirubhai Ambani’s belief   Currently, the scholarship is supporting 731 students until
            provide the direction for programme development, research,   and digital first.                                        that the nation’s best way to ensure progress is to invest   they finish their undergraduate courses. The programme
            innovation and entrepreneurship. Dr. Raghunath A. Mashelkar,                                                           in its youth, the Dhirubhai Ambani Scholarship (DAS) was   has partnered with 27 State Boards, the CBSE Board, schools
            Padma Vibhushan, National Research Professor and Former   Jio Institute has signed MoUs with the University of Toronto,   initiated in 1996.                             and junior colleges to identify top-ranking students for the
            Director General, CSIR, Government of India is the founding   Canada, University of Manchester, UK, University of California,                                            scholarship.
            Chancellor of Jio Institute. Dr. Dipak Jain, former Dean, Kellogg   San Diego, USA and Nanyang Technological University,   DAS encourages and assists meritorious students to pursue
            School of Management, USA; former Dean, INSEAD, France is   Singapore. The collaborations will foster students and faculty   higher education and enhance the human resource potential   731 students  12,776 students
            the founding Vice Chancellor.                     exchange, joint research and projects. Jio Institute is also         of the country. The scholarships are awarded on a merit-cum-  Currently supported by the   Supported since inception
                                                              developing a Jio Digital Library that will provide access to         means basis to outstanding students from families of limited
            Two Post-graduate programmes in Digital Media and Marketing   quality information and resources with global content from   means to pursue undergraduate education in any stream of   programme across India
            Communications (DM & MC) and Artificial Intelligence and   leading institutions and be an epicentre of knowledge creation   their choice.
            Data Science (AI & DS) will be launched soon. Both the   through collaboration.                                        Since its inception in 1996, the scholarship has supported 12,776  50%     20%
            programmes will incorporate cutting-edge academic research                                                             students on a pan-India level, including 50% female scholars   Female scholars  Specially-abled scholars
            and innovative pedagogy.
                                                                                                                                   and 20% specially-abled students.
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