Page 47 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2020-21
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42      Reliance Foundation                                                                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2020-21    43

            Reliance Foundation Schools                                                                                            Reliance Foundation Digital                                  Key achievements of the
                                                                                                                                   Classrooms – upgrading schools                               programme in FY 2020-21
            To equip teachers for virtual school during the pandemic, 4,100 hours of training was imparted to                      In partnership with the School Education Department of       In partnership with the Madhya            Education
            763 teachers and 116 non-teaching staff of Reliance Foundation Schools on technology platforms.                        Madhya Pradesh, 75 schools in four districts in the state were   Pradesh School Education
                                                                                                                                                                                                Department, Reliance Foundation
            There are 13 Reliance Foundation Schools in Jamnagar,   Key achievements of Reliance Foundation Schools for            upgraded in FY 2020-21.                                      implemented the programme in
            Surat, Vadodara, Dahej, Lodhivali, Nagothane, Mouda and   FY 2020-21                                                                                                                75 government schools across
            Koparkhairane that impart quality education to 14,000+                                                                 The Reliance Foundation Digital Classrooms programme provides
            children annually.                                •  Three international awards, 57 national awards and                state-of-the-art digital education tools to government schools in   four districts
                                                                49 awards at zonal and state level at various events               remote locations of the country, to build capacities of teachers and
            The schools offer education from kindergarten to Class 12, and   •  Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane selected to   improve the learning experience of students.
            are affiliated to CBSE, Gujarat State Board and Maharashtra   participate in India’s 1st Virtual Toy Fair 2021, organised by                                                        221 master trainers were virtually
            State Board.                                                                                                           The programme has empowered 1,700+ teachers and impacted 64,000+
                                                                the Ministry of Textiles and Ministry of Education (February       students in 244 schools across 34 districts in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat,   trained for training teachers
            In April 2020, Reliance Foundation Schools transitioned to   27-March 2, 2021)                                         Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Telangana.  in their respective schools,
            virtual teaching and learning mode in response to the challenge   •  Three teams of Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane
            of continuing to provide quality education for students during   selected to participate in the Grand Finale of Toycathon 2021,                                                     empowering 700+ teachers to
            the pandemic.                                                                                                          700+ teachers trained, impacting                             facilitate digital learning for
                                                                an initiative of the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell       ~22,000 students in 2020
            During FY 2020-21, 763 teachers and 116 non-teaching staff   •  In the 2020 CENTA Teaching Professionals’ Olympiad (TPO),                                                           ~22,000 students
            were trained to use technology platforms in multiple sessions   24 Reliance Foundation School teachers qualified as rank
            aggregating 4,100 training hours. Digital resources were curated   holders
            and made available to all teachers and students through the
            school digital library.                           •  Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane was ranked
                                                                #2 Best Co-Educational School in Navi Mumbai in the
            With their focus on holistic development, the schools                                                                     Nurturing young digital learners
            conducted academics and co-curricular activities virtually.   Education World India School Rankings
            Special emphasis was placed on the physical and mental   44% students of Reliance Foundation
            well-being of students and the schools held online counselling
            sessions to ensure that.                          Schools secured 90% and above                                                                                          My main concern about online teaching was
                                                              in the CBSE Class 10 Board exams in 2020                                                                               the lack of direct interaction with my students
            Apart from academics, students excelled in co-scholastic,
            sporting and co-curricular pursuits, winning awards and   41% students scored above 90%                                                                                  and how it would affect diverse learners, as
            recognition in events held at the district, state, national and                                                                                                          every child has a unique way of receiving the
            international levels.                             in CBSE Class 12 Board exams in 2020                                                                                   information.

                                                                                                                                        Poonguzhali Ebinezer, a primary school teacher at KD Ambani   Poonguzhali Ebinezer
                                                                                                                                        Reliance Foundation School (KDARFS) in Jamnagar  Primary school teacher, KDARFS, Jamnagar
               Our commitment to educate
                                                                                                                                      Poonguzhali Ebinezer is a primary school teacher at KD   Most encouraging has been students’ response to
                                                                                                                                      Ambani Reliance Foundation School (KDARFS) in Jamnagar.   the digital transformation. They were intrigued by the
                                                                                                                                      She enjoys teaching and her classroom is always buzzing   platforms and happy to explore the possibilities. They
                                                                                                                                      with energy. When the campus locked down, she was   were also quick to sense the love and care of teachers
                                                                                                                                      anxious, not so much about adapting to a new technology   and connected with them online just as they would in the
                                                                                                                                      as about her students’ response to virtual teaching.  physical classroom.
                                                                                                                                      Once the school shifted entirely to Microsoft Teams for
                                                                                                                                      education in March 2020, teachers’ need for training
                                                                                                                                      emerged, even for a teacher like Poonguzhali, who is fairly   Our teachers truly gave their all in this difficult
                                                                                                                                      conversant with the use of Microsoft Office Suite.   time. They learnt how to use a completely new
                                                                                                                                      A core task force was formed that included teacher master   way of teaching while they managed their own
                                                                                                                                      trainers and the school leadership team. This task force
                                                                                                                                      continually evaluated the situation and ensured extensive   health and the welfare of their families. We
                Ayush Sameer Pingale with his family                                                                                  training for the 200 teachers of KDARFS.       understand how difficult it must have been to

                                                                                                                                      Reliance Foundation lays significant emphasis on   teach under the watchful eyes of parents who
               Ayush Sameer Pingale is a 13-year-old, Class 8 student at   Teams. Recordings of the classes he had missed were        leveraging technology for developmental solutions. Today,   often listened in. But they learnt and quickly
               Reliance Foundation School, Nagothane, Maharashtra.   made available to him along with virtual support of his          all KDARFS teachers are adept at using several platforms –   adapted, ensuring students also understood the
               When the pandemic forced the school to close the   teachers. Young Ayush understands the opportunity he                Microsoft Teams, and Adobe Spark.
               campus, Ayush’s schooling stopped because his family   has received, “This initiative has empowered the poorest                                                       new system.
               could not afford a second device. “Ayush missed classes   of the poor to avail the facility of online classes and get                                                 Bhavin and Miral Soni
               for several days and we couldn’t do anything at that   educated.”                                                      Teachers are worried about us, so they         Bhavi's Parents
               time”, says his teacher Parvin Pathan. Reliance Foundation   Sensitive to such needs, Reliance Foundation continues    regularly teach us eye exercises and correct
               gathered data on all such students in the system and   to work towards the vision to build an inclusive India,
               decided to rectify the situation.                                                                                      postures of sitting.
                                                              committed to bringing change in the lives of people from
               Ayush was provided a Jio smartphone and data   marginalised and vulnerable communities by empowering                   Bhavi B Soni
               connectivity to join the virtual school on Microsoft   them.                                                           Student, Class 4
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