Page 42 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2020-21
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36  Reliance Foundation                                                          Annual Report 2020-21    37

 Reliance Foundation’s Drishti  Blood donation drives
            During the year, Reliance Foundation organised blood donation camps in two   45,260 units of blood
            districts of Maharashtra that brought together over 200 community members.
            In addition to it, support was provided to several organisations, including the Indian   Collected for 73,700 beneficiaries   Healthcare
            Medical Association, Rotary Blood Bank, Surat Raktadan Kendra & Research, Rotary   across 95 blood donation camps
            Noida Research and Social and the Voluntary Health Services. Across these places,   during FY 2020-21
            Reliance conducted a total of 95 blood donation camps during FY 2020-21, leading to
            the collection of 45,260 units of blood for 73,700 beneficiaries.

 Reliance Foundation operated MMUs in Shahdol, MP providing primary care and
 easing the pressure on local health infrastructure. The MMUs also raised community
 awareness on COVID-19 protocols such as social distancing, mask wearing and hand-

 Community outreach
 The RF Drishti programme enabled  students
 Free consultations, health awareness sessions, blood   to express the India of their dreams through
 donation camps, wellness initiatives for children and the   paintings
 aged were carried out in FY 2020-21.
 Reliance Foundation has helped improve
 On special days, various community activities are undertaken by   and restore the vision of people from
 Reliance Foundation deploying various interactive methods to engage   underprivileged segments of society
 public attention and encourage positive health and health-seeking   through its Drishti programme.  A nurse monitoring the maternal and neonatal health with the help of ASMAN Tablet in a government hospital in Vidisha, Madhya Pradesh
 behaviours. For people living with HIV, over 19, 500 specialised
 consultations were provided at Lodhivali and Hazira while 646 nutrition   In partnership with the National Association
 kits were distributed to HIV-positive children in Hazira and Jamnagar.   for the Blind (NAB), Aravind Eye Care   ASMAN – Technology to monitor maternal and neonatal health
 The Reliance Anti-Retroviral Therapy Centre, run in collaboration with   and Sankara Eye Foundation, Drishti has
 National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) and Maharashtra State   supported 19,500+ corneal transplants since   A large percentage of maternal and neonatal mortality can
 AIDS Control Society at the Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Lodhivali,   2003, with 207 corneal transplants conducted   be traced back to the critical period during child delivery.
 counselled over 10,000 people and provided free consultations to   in FY 2020-21.   Alliance for Saving Mothers and Newborns (ASMAN) is an
 4,373 people with HIV/AIDS.  The annual Drishti Art and Essay Competition   innovative facility-based decision and monitoring tool that
 On World Menstrual Hygiene Day (May 28, 2020) and International   for children and grandchildren of Reliance   helps bring down the mortality rate. This award-winning
 Women’s Day (March 8, 2021) various women health and wellness   employees was conducted virtually with   app enables healthcare workers to provide high quality care
 initiatives were held. In Nagothane, 200 adolescent girls and SHG   ~4,000 participants.  during the crucial 48-60-hour period around childbirth.
 members were advised on menstrual hygiene, while in Dahej, a pocket-  The international Hindi Braille newspaper,   This unique and relevant health initiative of Reliance
 book in Gujarati was distributed to over 3,000 women and girls by Seva   Reliance Drishti, published in association   Foundation, undertaken in collaboration with Bill and
 Rural in collaboration with UNICEF.   with NAB and a Braille table calendar for the   Melinda Gates Foundation, MSD for Mothers, Tata
 Reliance Foundation also conducted awareness programmes in   visually impaired, reaches readers across   Trusts and the United States Agency for International   ASMAN has won Special Jury Mention Award under the
               Development (USAID), is a perfect example of creating
 Maharashtra for 300 women and 80 young people on common cancers.  India and 15 other countries. Circulation   Excellence in Social Initiative category during the annual
 of the newspaper was halted during the   social impact by leveraging technology. The project,   Healthcare Excellence Awards of the Federation of Indian
 Under its rehabilitation work, Reliance Foundation also provided   lockdown and reactivated in November 2020   implemented in 81 government health facilities across eight   Chambers of Commerce and Industry in September
 financial assistance to the elderly, abandoned children and   with a limited edition of 1,620 copies. Since   districts in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan that face high   2020.
 impoverished families of the Yanam Old Age Home in Puducherry.   then, efforts are on to gradually increase   delivery load, has helped over
 It assisted in holding a subsidised feeding programme for 2,000 (per   circulation.  7+ lakh mothers and newborns since its inception in 2015.
 day) aged people and people in need in Yanam and neighbouring   7+ lakh mothers and their
 villages though a mobile food truck.   At the community level, vision screening   During 2020-21, the app registered over 1.36 lakh mothers,   newborns
 camps and mobile eye clinics are conducted   detecting 51,000 high risk cases. During the year of the
 Reliance Foundation provided masks and soaps apart from rice and   regularly across plant locations. There have   pandemic, the programme team built the capacities of over   Helped by ASMAN since 2015
 vegetable kits to 40,000 families and sanitisers to 20,000 people in the   been 1.6 lakh consultations since inception   900 healthcare providers and extended remote support
 neighbourhood of Yanam.  and 14,000+ individuals have been detected   to the intervention facilities. COVID-19 guidelines were also   1.36+ lakh mothers
 with refractive error and provided spectacles.  built into the app for the front-end workforce.   Registered on the app in 2020
 19,500 specialised consultations  73,700 beneficiaries
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 For people with HIV in Lodhivali and Hazira  Of the 95 blood camps nsultations
 conducted in FY 2020-21
 Conducted since inception
 40,000 families  Through these healthcare initiatives, Reliance Foundation aims to support the nation with
 Received essentials kits in Yanam  14,000+ individuals   state-of-the-art health infrastructure along with an array of primary to tertiary health services for
 Have been detected with refractive errors   wider public access to healthcare and towards improved public health.
 since inception and provided spectacles
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