Page 116 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
P. 116

114       Other Initiatives                                                                                                                                                Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            115

            Joining hands

            for a better


        Volunteering Initiatives                                Keeping in mind their diverse abilities, employee              better focus on caring for their loved ones. A total of   appealing and that can be understood by touch is crucial

        Key highlights                                          volunteers spoke to students about interpersonal skills,       58 employees contributed 203 hours to the cause.        in the child’s learning process. From creating
                                                                interview skills, job search and part-time work.                                                                       educational games, to designing traffic rules and
                                                                                                                               Amid the plethora of heart-warming initiatives, creating   jewellery, volunteers poured their hearts into the cause.
        •    Reached 13840 people through                       One of the flagship volunteering projects ‘A December          tactile learning aids for deaf and deafblind students, was   In total, 29 volunteers dedicated 87 hours in ensuring
             various initiatives                                to Remember’ was also rolled out and it met with great         particularly cherished. Volunteers came together to     that teachers had the requisite teaching aids to empower

                                                                success, bringing smiles to the faces of 8,159 children,
        •    3274 volunteering hours completed                                                                                 create teaching & learning material for teachers that   the special children.
                                                                across 12 different locations.  Across the country,
        •    67 events held across India                                                                                       work with students with multiple disabilities. As deaf   As part of Education and Arts initiatives, volunteers
                                                                volunteers enthusiastically came forward to offer their
                                                                                                                               students are visual learners and deafblind students learn   came together to teach children about empathy, some
        The year 2022-23 saw a heartwarming response from       support. In just three days, 565 volunteers came               through touch, creating material that is visually       fun dance moves, doodling and storytelling.
        employees towards volunteering initiatives,             together to package Santa cap, whistles, art kits and
        demonstrating the true spirit of compassion, and        stationery kits. These kits were then sent to partner

        engaging across various types of activities. From       NGOs, where volunteers interacted with the children
        supporting persons with visual impairment to aiding     over crafts, games, and lots of stories. ‘A December to
        skilling efforts, employees were moved by the           Remember’ involved over 2935 volunteering hours

        difference they could make in the lives of others and   from 565 volunteers
        how their actions could bring about positive change.
                                                                In February and March 2023, employees were given
        Thematically, across Reliance, volunteers supported     the opportunity to participate in one-time volunteering
        causes under education, community skilling and,         initiatives to support various community needs. One of

        healthy living in this year. Under the aegis of Spectrum   these initiatives is ‘Serve a Meal’, that helps in
        by the Hydrocarbons business, employees had a chance    providing hot, nutritious, and freshly prepared meals
        to teach students soft skills to make them job-ready.   that are served to the relatives of patients in
        Since this initiative was conducted on a virtual        government hospitals across Mumbai. By alleviating

        platform, students across locations could join.         the pressure to afford a healthy meal, relatives can
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