Page 121 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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118       Other Initiatives                                                                                                                                                Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            119

            Sharing Expertise,

            Driving Conversations

        Events and Publications                                 pillars, starting with two events during the 77  General       age, with women leading the surge in the adoption of
                                                                Assembly of the United vhe year in various                     Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

        Reliance Foundation’s research and thought leadership   theme-specific G20 working group sessions.                     Reliance Foundation is committed to the project of

        initiatives aim to share and develop the Foundation’s   Zoo Authority by providing two ISUZU 4X4 prestige              ‘digital India’ with an aim to make digital technology
        best practices, expertise, and innovations, to drive    vehicle and 8 Golf Cars.                                       available to every Indian, especially women from

        conversations and pioneer new models that are
                                                                Reliance Foundation hosted the                                 low-income, rural households.
        replicable and scalable to solve key development        first India Day in New York during

        challenges for India and the world. Through events      the 77  General Assembly of the                                In this context, Reliance Foundation, in collaboration
        and publications, Reliance Foundation builds            United Nations                                                 with the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and
                                                                                                                               the United Nations in India hosted an event titled
        relationships and partnerships with leading academic                                                                                                                           During the event, a joint publication by Reliance
                                                                Amidst the signs of recovery and renewed hope after
        institutions and development sector organisations to                                                                   ‘Women, Technology, and the SDGs: Reshaping the         Foundation and ORF, titled, ‘Aspirations, Access &
                                                                the pandemic, India has been embracing the digital
        drive research and thought leadership and debate                                                                       Pathways to Change’ in the Consulate General of         Agency: Women Transforming Lives with Technology’

        around our core thematic pillars, and simultaneously                                                                   India, New York, to complement the discussions taking   was launched. The publication showcases stories and
                                                                                                                                                                                       experiences of women from different parts of India who
        inform our programme design to achieve bigger impact                                                                   place during the 77  General Assembly of the United
                                                                                                                                                                                       are using technology to change lives and transform
        and scale.                                                                                                             States (UNGA). The event took place on September        their communities. It tells the stories of women leaders
                                                                                                                               23, 2022, and was attended by over 75 development       who have emerged as agents of technological change
        With India assuming the G20 Presidency starting in
                                                                                                                               sector experts, academics, and public sector leaders.   and socioeconomic inclusion while using ICTs to help
        December 2022, and convening the G20 Leader’s                                                                                                                                  their communities progress to a better future. Each
        Summit for the first time in country in 2023,                                                                                    To watch video highlights event, please scan  story narrates a woman’s leadership journey and

        Reliance Foundation actively contributed to furthering                                                                                                                         explores how she evolved as a digital enabler.
        the development dialogue through a series of events,                                                                                                                                     To download the publication, please scan

        panel discussions, and publications related to RF
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