Page 123 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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120       Other Initiatives                                                                                                                                                Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            121

        The G20 Imperative: Green Growth                        India’s G20 Presidency, the panel explored whether the         The First Responders: Women who                         During this event, a joint publication by Reliance
        and Development for All                                 G20 can be part of stitching together new partnerships,        led India through COVID-19                              Foundation and ORF, titled, ‘The First Responders:

                                                                investing in clean and green initiatives and projects, to                                                              Women Who Led India Through the Pandemic’ was
                                                                                                                                                                                       launched. The publication spotlights the stories of 25
                                                                ensure that no one is left behind on the path to
                                                                                                                                                                                       Indian women across governance, education and
                                                                achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
                                                                                                                                                                                       skilling, health and nutrition, and entrepreneurship

                                                                         To watch video highlights from the event,                                                                     and livelihoods. It highlights women’s leadership
                                                                        please scan                                                                                                    journey over several years and how they were able to
                                                                                                                                                                                       utilise those skills during the pandemic. ‘The First
                                                                Reliance Foundation leaders                                                                                            Responders’ also presents their relentless efforts
                                                                participated in theme-specific                                                                                         towards ensuring the welfare of their families and
                                                                G20 Meetings                                                                                                           communities, while navigating the perils of the
        Sustainable development in India is crucial as it                                                                      Annually, the Raisina Dialogue brings together          pandemic. It also presents key developmental and
        balances economic growth with environmental             During the year, Reliance Foundation leaders took part         political, business, media, and civil society leaders in   policy insights derived from the stories with a wide
        preservation, addresses social inequalities, and ensures   theme-specific G20 side events, sharing                     New Delhi for comprehensive discussions about global    range of applicability.

        a prosperous future for its diverse population, while   programme-specific replicable learnings from the               affairs and collaboration possibilities through diverse,         To download the publication, please scan
        safeguarding natural resources for generations to come.   ground and contributing to the international                 inclusive conversations. During the Raisina Dialogue

        Through its work in disaster management, rural          development agenda. Sh. Jagannatha Kumar, CEO,                 2022, inaugurated by Honourable Prime Minister          Micro Matters: Using Data for
        transformation, education, and women empowerment,       Reliance Foundation, participated in a G20 side event          Narendra Modi, with Chief Guest, President of the       Development in the Era of the Fourth

        Reliance Foundation has made sustainable                called “Data for Development: Role of G20 in                   European Commission Ursula von der Leyen,               Industrial Revolution
        development a part of its ethos.                        advancing the 2030 Agenda”, the first meeting of the           Reliance Foundation organised a panel discussion in

        On the evening of September 23, 2022, Reliance          Development of Working Group under India’s G20                 collaboration with Observer Research Foundation
        Foundation in collaboration with Observer Research      Presidency held in Mumbai on 15  December 2022.                (ORF) titled ‘The First Responder: Women
        Foundation and the United Nations in India hosted a     On the theme of women empowerment, Dr Vanita                                             Leadership and the
        second event during the UNGA week titled, ‘The G20      Sharma, Advisor, Strategic Initiatives, participated in
                                                                                                                                                         SDGs’. The panel took
        Imperative: Green Growth and Development for All’       two G20 EMPOWER events: (1) the Inception
                                                                                                                                                         place on April 27 , 2022
        in New York. There were 100 attendees from across       Meeting in a panel on “Steering Women Leaders at the
                                                                                                                                                         and comprised eminent         Data for development serves as the foundation for
        the globe, including high-level development sector      grassroots for digital inclusion” on the 12  February                                                                  evidence-based policies and programmes, enabling
                                                                                                                                                         speakers including Smt.
        experts, academics, and public and private sector leaders.  2023 in Agra, and (2) the Summit in a session titled                                                               informed decision-making, resource allocation, and
                                                                                                                                                         Smriti Irani, Minister of
        The panel included Shri S. Jaishankar, Minister of      “Women-Led Development: Ensuring a sustainable,                                          Women and Child               effective development interventions to address the

        External Affairs, India; Mr Vicky Ford, Minister of     inclusive, and equitable global economic growth”                                         Development with an           nation's diverse challenges and promote inclusive
        State for Development, Foreign Commonwealth and         on the 1  August 2023 in Gandhinagar. Lastly, on the                                     audience of international     growth. It empowers the government, civil society
                                                                                                                                                                                       organisations, and researchers to better understand
        Development Office, United Kingdom; and Mr Borge        theme of rural livelihoods, Ms Priyanka Singh, Chief,
                                                                                                                               delegates from 100 countries. The panel deliberated on   and target areas of need, ultimately driving progress
        Brende, President of the World Economic Forum.          Rural Transformation, participated in a consultative
                                                                                                                               women’s leadership in the context of achieving the      and improved quality of life for all citizens. Through its
        The panel deliberated on the central role played by     workshop and official G20 event by the National Rural                                                                  work in the fields of disaster management, rural
                                                                                                                               Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
        sustainable development towards global security and     Livelihood Mission of the Government of India, titled                                                                  transformation, health, education, and women
        stability, and inclusive growth as imperative for the   “Exploring CSR partnerships for a sustainable future of                 To watch video highlights from the event and   empowerment, Reliance Foundation strives to advance

        fight against climate change. Within the context of     SHG women,” in March 2023, in Delhi.                                    publication, please scan                       the use of data to make deep social impact.
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