Page 16 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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14      Rural Transformation                                                                                                                                             Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            15


            reach through



        Strengthening crop                                      through seed drills, mechanized paddy transplanting,           the way ahead as well as policy recommendations on      sold in value added form, thus helping farmers gain a

        value chains for small                                  etc., have been introduced.                                    the functioning of FPOs. The proceedings also           better share of the millets value chain.
        and marginal farmers                                    During the year, Reliance Foundation has also been             addressed themes of sustainability, leadership structures   Bringing greater efficiency to paddy

                                                                working with more than 121 farmer collectives, building        and gender roles. Ultimately, the conference focused    cultivation in Telangana
                                                                their capabilities, linking them to markets as well as         on purpose of FPOs and how they can be bolstered
        Integrated Value Chain                                  helping them improve governance and compliance.                moving forward in a national context.                   Paddy cultivation is typically a laborious process,
        Development (IVCD)                                      These farmer collectives have transacted with more             Reliance Foundation’s experiences in working with       and farmers in Kamareddy district of Telangana were

                                                                than 60,800 farmers, for nearly INR 112 crore. On an                                                                   finding it increasingly cumbersome to continue
        Reliance Foundation, through its BIJ programme,         average, farmers received over 12% better market               FPOs through the years was translated into five key     physically transplanting paddy because of the
        strives to improve market returns by strengthening      returns as compared to the local market.                       learnings for the development sector. The stakeholder   expenditure involved as well as the difficulties involved
        crop value chains for the benefit of small and marginal                                                                engagement provided an opportunity for robust           in hiring workers on time.
        farmers. Through systematic interventions on            In October, Reliance Foundation in partnership with            discussions on how these learnings can help the sector
        increasing crop productivity and facilitating market    NAB Foundation, hosted a roundtable titled ‘Journey            contribute to national priorities.                      RF-BIJ addressed the concerns of these farmers
        access post-harvest it also encourages farmers to move   of FPOs: Successes, Learnings and Way Forward,’ to                                                                    through introducing mechanized paddy transplanting
        up the value chain.                                     bring together the leading voices in the FPO space on          Promoting Cultivation and                               which completed the job that normally took
                                                                a single platform, to reflect on the FPO journey thus          Consumption of Millets in Mandla, MP                    2-3 days in a few hours and at a fraction of cost.
        In FY 2022-23, the RF-BIJ programme worked in           far and consider the key challenges that the sector                                                                    The machine was an instant hit with the farmers
        22 value chains across 24 districts. To help farmers    continues to face.                                             Leading to the International Year of Millets in 2023,    and three farmer entrepreneurs were encouraged by
        achieve higher productivity, better farming practices                                                                  Reliance Foundation initiated a project to promote      RF to buy these machines and provide services to
        and technological interventions were introduced in              To watch the video, please scan                        cultivation and consumption of millets in Mandla,       other farmers on a custom hiring basis. In the Kharif
        more than 16,200 hectares of agricultural land.                                                                        Madhya Pradesh, for improving climate resilience of     season of 2022-23, these farmers provided custom
        Better farming practices include introduction of        Over 80 delegates attended the event, including                tribal farmers in the region. With an aim to make       paddy transplanting services for nearly 250 farmers,
        improved varieties of crops such as soybean,            representatives from the academia, private sector,             millet farming more remunerative and less               and the demand for their services keeps growing.

        mustard, wheat, chickpeas, turmeric, etc. In the        FPOs, government and development organisations.                labor-intensive, this project proposes to adopt an      Playing a catalytic role, Reliance Foundation has
        area of technological intervention, farm                The event consisted of panel sessions in which the             ‘Integrated Value Chain’ approach to improve farm       introduced a more precision-based planting system,
        mechanization, viz. mechanized spraying through         panellists focused on current status of the FPO                productivity of minor millets, reduce drudgery in       helped develop a self-sustaining model and also led to
        drones, boom sprayers, etc., and mechanized sowing      ecosystem and reflected on the purpose, challenges,            cultivation and also focus on processing of millets to be   creation of employment.
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