Page 18 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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16      Rural Transformation                                                                                                                                             Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            17


            women through

            potential livelihood


        Empowering Rural                                        •    Improved access to social entitlements and social         improvement/reducing drudgery of women /increasing      cluster of women artisans involved in hand embroidery

        Women through                                                security measures to reduce vulnerability.                efficiency. The RF-BIJ programme has supported          crafts, benefiting more than 400 women. This
        Entrepreneurship                                        Under its DRIWE initiative, Reliance Foundation is             interventions to improve animal nutrition, and          collective of women in Patan district, called Aanart

                                                                                                                               upskilling in dairy management for 16,500 milk          Gurjara Craftwork Producer Collective, has managed
                                                                adopting a cluster development approach, across 13
        Diversifying Rural Incomes and                          sub-sectors across agri, agri-allied and non-farm              producers that has led to increased returns for dairy   to increased its turnover from Rs 4 lakh to Rs 10 lakh
        Women Entrepreneurship - DRIWE                          sectors, to build capacities of women, men and youth           producers. In agri sector, the program has supported    during the year. Furthermore, the programme supports

                                                                to bolster existing livelihoods and promote                    over 10,500 producers to improve and adopt high         around 200 women in leaf plate making and over 250
        Diversification and intensification of income sources is                                                                                                                       women in incense stick production in Odisha. In
                                                                entrepreneurship for their social and economic                 value vegetable production, adopting a cluster
        a crucial livelihood strategy for income enhancement                                                                                                                           Rajkot, Gujarat, it has enabled more than 100 women
                                                                empowerment. During FY 2022-23, it focused on                  approach for livelihood resilience. Reliance Foundation
        and income stability in rural households. The RF BIJ                                                                                                                           to become skilled imitation jewelry makers, thereby
        programme is assisting rural households in increasing   strengthening 6,100+ SHGs for enabling livelihoods.            has promoted cultivation of improved forage crop        enhancing the livelihood cluster in the region.
        their income, particularly through engagement with      Over 56,500 people in more than 2,600 villages were            varieties in partnership with partnering organisations
        women across farm and non-farm sectors.                 also supported through livelihood orientation                  including BAIF, government animal husbandary            Financial inclusion and promoting
                                                                programmes, technical skilling in areas like high value        departments, milk federations, IGFRI Jhansi and         access to social security benefits
        The focus is on
                                                                vegetable production, goatery, poultry, dairy, lac             private dairies. Over 4,000 acres have been brought
        •    Enhancing income by improving existing             cultivation, mushroom production, agarbatti making,            under fodder cultivaiton.                               Financial inclusion is recognised as a key driver of
             activities and introducing need-based initiatives   handicraft, job work and retail micro-enterprises, etc.,      In the non-farm sector, various micro enterprises such   economic growth and poverty alleviation. RF BIJ is

             across agri, agri-allied and non-farm livelihoods   and enabling support for finance, market, knowledge           as grocery stores, tailoring shops, flour mills, hotels,   playing a significant role in facilitating linkages to
             which contribute to income                         and entrepreneurship development.                                                                                      financial services and social security schemes through
                                                                                                                               beauty parlours are being promoted. Additionally,       mass awareness, linkage camps and documentation
        •    Enabling women and youth to earn an income         The livelihood cluster development strategy includes -         RF-BIJ is empowering and supporting women in SHGs       services for nearly 55,000 individuals through
             through entrepreneurship promotion and job work
                                                                Increase production and productivity gains; Cost               (Self-Help Groups) to engage in mushroom production     savings-based initiatives government sponsored health
        •    Financial inclusion to improve capacity to         savings; Better price realization; Reducing risks; and         in Odisha, Gujarat, and Maharashtra, benefiting more    insurance, life insurance, crop insurance and access to

             manage income and for risk insurance               Introducing technology for quality                             than 1,200 women. In Gujarat, it is also supporting a   institutional credit for SHGs and documentation
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