Page 74 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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72 Women Empowerment Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23 73
Women leading
the change
WomenLead India (individuals working innovatively through
Fellowship independent initiatives). Through tailored offline and
online capacity building, mentorship and in-person
events, the Fellowship is designed to build their
Fostering women’s leadership can bring about
leadership potential and ultimately increase the success
transformational and sustainable changes in their lives,
of their ventures.
communities, and organisations. To drive and support
women leaders who are addressing urgent economic The WomenLead India Fellows came together for a
and social issues, Reliance Foundation and Vital Voices four-day in-person convening in Mumbai in December
Global Partnership launched the first WomenLead 2022 to kick-start the Fellowship. At the convening,
India Fellowship in October 2022. this intergenerational cohort from 14 States and four
Union Territories engaged in sharing and learning
This 10-month Fellowship aims to nurture 50 through workshops, panel discussions, group activities,
energetic, driven, and mission-focused women leaders and brainstorming sessions. Through the rest of the
from the social sector in India, working across areas of Fellowship, the cohort will build on their leadership
rural transformation, education, sports, and arts, through sessions on strategic goal settings, team
culture and heritage. The Fellows are divided into management, financial management, human-centred
three tracks based on the nature of their experience - design, and will work on advancing the SDGs in their
Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship (social respective fields of work. The Fellows also stand to
entrepreneurs, digital enterprises and business owners), benefit from being a part of the Reliance ecosystem
Social Sector Leaders (leaders from non-profits and and Vital Voices’ global network of women leaders,
development sector organizations) and Changemakers through the course and completion of this Fellowship.