
The Next Frontier: Charting the Contours of the Post-2030 Development Agenda
The Next Frontier: Charting the Contours of the Post-2030 Development Agenda explores the strategies, innovations, and leadership required to forge a new global development agenda beyond 2030.

Forewarned, Forearmed: Multi-hazard early warning systems for early action
Forewarned, Forearmed: Multi-hazard early warning systems for early action - Approaches and learnings from coastal India publication by Reliance Foundation highlights approaches and learnings from coastal India on multi-hazard early warning systems for early action.

Aspirations, Access & Agency, Women transforming lives with technology
Published by Reliance Foundation and Observer Research Foundation, Aspirations, Access & Agency, Women transforming lives with technology tells the stories of women leaders who have emerged as agents of technological change and socioeconomic inclusion by using tech to help their communities build better futures.

The First Responders: Women who led India through COVID-19
The First Responders tells the stories of twenty-five Indian women who have led their communities through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and put up safety nets for their communities. The publication shares lessons in empowerment of women and how their leadership is crucial especially during a crisis.

Women Connected: Strategies for Bridging the Gender Digital Divide in India
This publication serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the impact of technology in improving women's lives. It highlights interventions and shares lessons learned from the first round of the WomenConnect Challenge India that was launched in 2020 by Reliance Foundation and the USAID.

Ideas, Innovation, Implementation: India’s Journey Towards the SDGs
Published by Reliance Foundation in partnership with the Observer Research Foundation and United Nations India, Ideas, Innovation, Implementation, showcases 17 lighthouse case studies from India that could bring about a potential transformation if scaled and replicated in other geographies.

NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS : Disaster Risk Reduction
With climate change causing an increase in the frequency and intensity of disasters, there is an urgent global need to deal with these risks by taking an interconnected and pluralistic approach. This publication by Reliance Foundation explores how nature-based solutions can help communities in preparation, response, and recovery from natural disasters.

Micro Matters: Using Data for Development in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Published by Reliance Foundation and Observer Research Foundation, Micro Matters explores eight interventions by civil society organisations in India that are advancing the country’s D4D agenda by gathering data; processing it to evolve insights; translating insights into actions; and making a social impact.

Fostering Resilience for Sustainability: Reliance Foundation's Millet Experiences
This publication documents learnings from millet interventions in different states was released on the occasion. It showcases end-to-end interventions that include making quality seed accessible to farmers, providing continued technical support, strengthening market linkages, empowering women’s agency and building awareness of millets.

‘Stronger Together’: A compendium of stories of courage & resilience during disasters
Stronger Together’: A compendium of stories of courage and resilience during disasters, prepared by Reliance Foundation and Sphere India, captures best practices by individuals at the grassroots level for mitigation, preparedness, and response to various disasters in India.

How Farmer Producer Organisations can transform Rural Economies
Farming Prosperity & Optimism, a Special Report on how Farmer Producer Organisations can transform rural economies describes the Reliance Foundation’s learnings from years of work with small and marginal farmers through collectivisation for enhanced livelihood security of farmers.